Is It The Right Time For Me To Buy A Home? (Buying Vs. Renting)
They say that "Timing is Everything"... but how can we know when it's really the best time FOR YOU to make the leap into becoming a home-OWNER instead of a renter?
Well, the answer is partly financial, and partly personal/emotional.
Financially; As soon as you can afford the minimum payments to become an owner, you are best advised to GET ON THE BOAT, because the economic advantages of owning your own home are generally more than renting over the long run, and the longer you wait the less of the long run advantages you get to accumulate. EVERYONE has to pay for the housing privileges they consume, whether you rent or own.... so once you can afford the minimum payments you qualify for, it usually makes good sense to take the leap and own your own home.
Personally/Emotionally; Once you've 'settled' into a neighborhood and decided you're comfortable staying there for at least 3-5 years or longer, many people 'feel' more stable and grounded when they see themselves as an owner within their community. Newlyweds often tell us they feel like they have "arrived" as a married family when they finally acquire their very first home... even when it is a first-timer's 'Starter-Home.' As parents, we tend to think that owning versus renting is beyond our kids concerns... but among their social playmates, children are VERY aware of when their family is anchored as "owners" versus renters.
When is it NOT the time to buy a home? When you fully expect to have to move, completely, in less than 3 years... OR, if you simply cannot afford the payments of the financing required to buy the minimum home acceptable to you and the rental of such a home is cheap enough that you can pay it instead (even without getting the benefits.)
If you have additional questions or concerns, you are invited to the No Bull Financial FAQ, where you can post any question, any time, and you are will get answers from Dave himself!
Labels: broker, buy, finance, home, investment, loan, mortgage, purchase, rent
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