Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tenant Loans Now Also Available for Low Credit

Wealthy people can easily obtain loans in UK because they have collateral for loans. Basically, the moneylenders are very keen to depart their money to the rich sections of the society. What about the poor people who do not have house of their own. Can they obtain loans from money lenders? Yes, the UK moneylenders have now loans called tenant Loans, for the low credit customers.

The tenant loans are the loans for the people who do not have their own property, such as house, land or vehicle. Thus it is clear that tenant loans do not require any form of security from the borrower. People with low credit records are also eligible for such kind of loans.

Low credit tenant loans are specifically designed for the bad credit tenants, students and renters. These loans are usually unsecured in nature. Tenant loans do not necessarily mean loans for the no-asset people. The homeowners can also opt for tenant loans if they don't prefer to put their asset at stake.

The rate of interest for low credit tenant loans is higher in comparison to other loans due to the security factor. After all, the moneylender is giving money to a person who has no asset or collateral.

The rate of interest on tenant loans for low credit is also influenced by credit score. A credit score is a systemic measure of credit risk estimated from a credit report using standardized formula. A good credit score brings down the rate of interest for tenant loans and vice versa. There are several factors that make bad credit score. These are late payments, absence of credit references, and unfavorable credit card use. Besides these, period of residency and your employment status also influence credit score.

In order to secure a good credit score for tenant loans, you can refer several web sites and expert suggestions. In these days, a number of agencies like Equifax, Experian and Transunion are there to analyse customers' financial details to prepare a sound credit report.

When it comes to tenant loans, customers are wary over the higher rate of interest. But they forget that such kinds of loans have some specific advantages that no other loan can ensure.

First of all, it is comparatively easy to apply for arrear holders, defaulters, CCJ holders, bankrupts etc.

The second major advantage of tenant loans is that they get fast approvals from moneylenders due to lack of valuation of collateral.

Thirdly, in case of secured loans, customers always fear the loss of collateral. This is completely absent in tenant loans. That however does not mean that you have the scope of cheating the lenders.

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