Insurance policy
Insurance Policy Loans
Are you aware that in certain circumstances. People enter into insurance contracts because they would like to have something to fall back on in case they experience a loss in the future. The insurer or the company paid to manage the risk is mandated to pay the policy holder the agreed proceeds.
An insurance contract is specifically entered into by the policy holder to cover him in times of losses. The common belief is that the insurance policy can only be used to shield the policy holder against losses upon its maturity. An insurance policy holder who is in need of cash can opt to take a policy loan on his life insurance policy.
A policy holder who is in the middle of a financial crisis and who has no other means of getting financial aid has no choice but make use of his policy loan option to solve his problem. People who still have other means of getting financial aid should consider the advantages and disadvantages of getting a policy loan.
Other people borrow on their policies with lower interest rates and pay their loans that are high interest-bearing. Others borrow on their policies so they will get more dividends when the time for dividend distribution comes and they have paid up their loans. It is always easier to borrow under a policy loan because of the hundred percent approval rating provided the amount loaned is not greater than the total cash value of the life insurance or the premiums you have paid.
Availing of a policy loan is usually the fastest way to get a loan and there are no restrictions as to how the amount would be spent. Taking a policy loan is always a better option than terminating your insurance policy as it may have a very low cash surrender value at that point.
It is also a better option as compared to withdrawing from your accumulated or total cash value because the latter choice will entail tax payments. While a policy loan may have its advantages. It is also disadvantageous for the policy holder because his ignorance or failure to know the basic rules on policy loans can result to a greater financial problem. Policy loans are just like regular loans in the sense that the borrower has to pay them at a specified period.